<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="936"%> <% Option Explicit %> <%session.CodePage="936"%> <%'Copyright (c) 2006 Foosun Inc. Code by awen Server.ScriptTimeOut=999 Response.Buffer = True Response.Expires = -1 Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now() - 1 Response.CacheControl = "no-cache" response.Charset = "gb2312" Dim Conn,Old_News_Conn,User_Conn,Search_Sql,Search_RS,strShowErr,Cookie_Domain,Cookie_Copyright,Cookie_eMail,Cookie_Site_Name Dim Server_Name,Server_V1,Server_V2 Dim TmpStr,TmpArr,SqlDateType,FileSize,FileEditDate,TmpStr1,TmpStr2 Dim Keyword,s_type,SubSys,ClassId,s_date,e_date ,GetType,AreaID,PubType Dim ChildDomain,ClassPath Dim LocalUrl,RDSqlDateType Dim MsMinPric,MsMaxPric Dim StringType IF G_IS_SQL_DB = 1 Then StringType = "SubString" Else StringType = "Mid" End If ''日期 If G_IS_SQL_DB = 1 Then SqlDateType = "'" else SqlDateType = "#" end If Keyword = NoHtmlHackInput(NoSqlHack(Replace(request("Keyword"),"'","''"))) ClassId = NoHtmlHackInput(NoSqlHack(Replace(request("ClassId"),"'","''"))) If Keyword = "" then response.Write("[err]关键字不能为空[/err]") response.End() else '=========================================== ''sql的处理 MF_Default_Conn Search_Sql = "select top 1 * from FS_NS_News A,FS_NS_NewsClass B where A.ClassID=B.ClassID and isLock=0 and isRecyle=0 and isdraft=0 and NewsTitle='"&Keyword&"' " if ClassID<>"" then Search_Sql = and_where(Search_Sql) & Search_TextArr(ClassId,"A.ClassID","") 'On Error Resume Next Set Search_RS = CreateObject(G_FS_RS) Search_RS.Open Search_Sql,Conn,1,1 if Err<>0 then response.Write("[err]查询条件不匹配.无法继续.
"&Err.Number&":"&Err.description&"[/err]") response.End() end if IF not Search_RS.eof then response.Write("1") Else response.Write("0") END IF RsClose end if Sub RsClose() Search_RS.Close Set Search_RS = Nothing end Sub Set Old_News_Conn = Nothing Set User_Conn = Nothing Set Conn = Nothing response.End() %>