TypeID = $typeid; $this->Keyword = $keyword; $this->OrderBy = $orderby; $this->KType = $kwtype; $this->PageSize = (int)$upagesize; $this->StartTime = $starttime; $this->ChannelType = $achanneltype; $this->SearchMax = $cfg_search_max; $this->SearchMaxRc = $cfg_search_maxrc; $this->SearchTime = $cfg_search_time; $this->mid = $mid; $this->RsFields = ''; $this->SearchType = $searchtype=='' ? 'titlekeyword' : $searchtype; $this->dsql = $GLOBALS['dsql']; $this->dtp = new DedeTagParse(); $this->dtp->SetRefObj($this); $this->dtp->SetNameSpace("dede","{","}"); $this->dtp2 = new DedeTagParse(); $this->dtp2->SetNameSpace("field","[","]"); $this->TypeLink = new TypeLink($typeid); //$this->Keywords = $this->GetKeywords($keyword); $this->Keywords=$keyword; //设置一些全局参数的值 if($this->TypeID=="0"){ $this->ChannelTypeid=1; }else{ $row =$this->dsql->GetOne("SELECT channeltype FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE id={$this->TypeID}"); $this->ChannelTypeid=$row['channeltype']; } foreach($GLOBALS['PubFields'] as $k=>$v) { $this->Fields[$k] = $v; } if ($cfg_sphinx_article == 'Y') { // 初始化sphinx $this->sphinx = new SphinxClient; $mode = SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2; //匹配模式 $ranker = SPH_RANK_PROXIMITY_BM25; //统计相关度计算模式,仅使用BM25评分计算 $this->sphinx->SetServer($GLOBALS['cfg_sphinx_host'], $GLOBALS['cfg_sphinx_port']); $this->sphinx->SetArrayResult(true); $this->sphinx->SetMatchMode($mode); $this->sphinx->SetRankingMode($ranker); $this->CountRecordSphinx(); } else { $this->CountRecord(); } /* $tempfile = $GLOBALS['cfg_basedir'].$GLOBALS['cfg_templets_dir']."/".$GLOBALS['cfg_df_style']."/search.htm"; if ( defined('DEDEMOB') ) { $tempfile =str_replace('.htm','_m.htm',$tempfile); } if(!file_exists($tempfile)||!is_file($tempfile)) { echo "模板文件不存在,无法解析!"; exit(); } $this->dtp->LoadTemplate($tempfile); $this->TempInfos['tags'] = $this->dtp->CTags; $this->TempInfos['source'] = $this->dtp->SourceString; if($this->PageSize=="") { $this->PageSize = 20; } $this->TotalPage = ceil($this->TotalResult/$this->PageSize); if($this->PageNo==1) { $this->dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("Update `#@__search_keywords` set result='".$this->TotalResult."' where keyword='".addslashes($keyword)."'; "); } */ } //php4构造函数 function SearchView($typeid,$keyword,$orderby,$achanneltype="all", $searchtype="",$starttime=0,$upagesize=20,$kwtype=1,$mid=0) { $this->__construct($typeid,$keyword,$orderby,$achanneltype,$searchtype,$starttime,$upagesize,$kwtype,$mid); } //关闭相关资源 function Close() { } /** * 获得关键字的分词结果,并保存到数据库 * * @access public * @param string $keyword 关键词 * @return string */ function GetKeywords($keyword) { // global $cfg_soft_lang; // $keyword = cn_substr($keyword, 50); // $row = $this->dsql->GetOne("SELECT spwords FROM `#@__search_keywords` WHERE keyword='".addslashes($keyword)."'; "); // if(!is_array($row)) // { // if(strlen($keyword)>7) // { // $sp = new SplitWord($cfg_soft_lang, $cfg_soft_lang); // $sp->SetSource($keyword, $cfg_soft_lang, $cfg_soft_lang); // $sp->SetResultType(2); // $sp->StartAnalysis(TRUE); // $keywords = $sp->GetFinallyResult(); // $idx_keywords = $sp->GetFinallyIndex(); // ksort($idx_keywords); // $keywords = $keyword.' '; // foreach ($idx_keywords as $key => $value) { // if (strlen($key) <= 3) { // continue; // } // $keywords .= ' '.$key; // } // $keywords = preg_replace("/[ ]{1,}/", " ", $keywords); // //var_dump($idx_keywords);exit(); // unset($sp); // } // else // { // $keywords = $keyword; // } // $inquery = "INSERT INTO `#@__search_keywords`(`keyword`,`spwords`,`count`,`result`,`lasttime`) // VALUES ('".addslashes($keyword)."', '".addslashes($keywords)."', '1', '0', '".time()."'); "; // $this->dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($inquery); // } // else // { // $this->dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("UPDATE `#@__search_keywords` SET count=count+1,lasttime='".time()."' WHERE keyword='".addslashes($keyword)."'; "); // $keywords = $row['spwords']; // } // return $keywords; } /** * 获得关键字SQL * * @access private * @return string */ function GetKeywordSql() { /* $ks = explode(' ',$this->Keywords); $kwsql = ''; $kwsqls = array(); foreach($ks as $k) { $k = trim($k); if(strlen($k)<1) { continue; } if(ord($k[0])>0x80 && strlen($k)<2) { continue; } $k = addslashes($k); if($this->ChannelType < 0 || $this->ChannelTypeid < 0){ $kwsqls[] = " arc.title LIKE '%$k%' "; }else{ if($this->SearchType=="title"){ $kwsqls[] = " arc.title LIKE '%$k%' "; }else{ $kwsqls[] = " CONCAT(arc.title,' ',arc.writer,' ',arc.keywords) LIKE '%$k%' "; } } } if(!isset($kwsqls[0])) { return ''; } else { if($this->KType==1) { $kwsql = join(' OR ',$kwsqls); } else { $kwsql = join(' And ',$kwsqls); } return $kwsql; } */ $kwsql=" arc.title like '$this->Keywords' "; return $kwsql; } /** * 获得相关的关键字 * * @access public * @param string $num 关键词数目 * @return string */ function GetLikeWords($num=8) { $ks = explode(' ',$this->Keywords); $lsql = ''; foreach($ks as $k) { $k = trim($k); if(strlen($k)<2) { continue; } if(ord($k[0])>0x80 && strlen($k)<2) { continue; } $k = addslashes($k); if($lsql=='') { $lsql = $lsql." CONCAT(spwords,' ') LIKE '%$k %' "; }else{ $lsql = $lsql." OR CONCAT(spwords,' ') LIKE '%$k %' "; } } if($lsql=='') { return ''; } else { $likeword = ''; $lsql = "(".$lsql.") And Not(keyword like '".addslashes($this->Keyword)."') "; $this->dsql->SetQuery("Select keyword,count From `#@__search_keywords` where $lsql order by lasttime desc limit 0,$num; "); $this->dsql->Execute('l'); while($row=$this->dsql->GetArray('l')) { if($row['count']>1000) { $fstyle=" style='font-size:11pt;color:red'"; } else if($row['count']>300) { $fstyle=" style='font-size:10pt;color:green'"; } else { $style = ""; } $likeword .= " ".$row['keyword']." "; } return $likeword; } } /** * 加粗关键字 * * @access private * @param string $fstr 关键词字符 * @return string */ function GetRedKeyWord($fstr) { //echo $fstr; $ks = explode(' ',$this->Keywords); foreach($ks as $k) { $k = trim($k); if($k=='') { continue; } if(ord($k[0])>0x80 && strlen($k)<2) { continue; } // 这里不区分大小写进行关键词替换 $fstr = str_ireplace($k, "$k", $fstr); // 速度更快,效率更高 //$fstr = str_replace($k, "$k", $fstr); } return $fstr; } // Sphinx记录统计 function CountRecordSphinx() { $this->TotalResult = -1; if(isset($GLOBALS['TotalResult'])) { $this->TotalResult = $GLOBALS['TotalResult']; $this->TotalResult = is_numeric($this->TotalResult)? $this->TotalResult : ""; } if(isset($GLOBALS['PageNo'])) { $this->PageNo = intval($GLOBALS['PageNo']); } else { $this->PageNo = 1; } if($this->StartTime > 0) { $this->sphinx->SetFilterRange('senddate', $this->StartTime, time(), false); } if($this->TypeID > 0) { $this->sphinx->SetFilter('typeid', GetSonIds($this->TypeID)); } $this->sphinx->SetFilter('channel', array(1)); if($this->mid > 0) { $this->sphinx->SetFilter('mid', $this->mid); } //$this->sphinx->SetFilterRange('arcrank', -1, 100, false); // var_dump($this->sphinx);exit; $res = array(); $res = AutoCharset($this->sphinx->Query($this->Keywords, 'mysql, delta'), 'utf-8', 'gbk'); $this->TotalResult = $res['total']; } /** * 统计列表里的记录 * * @access public * @return string */ function CountRecord() { $this->TotalResult = -1; if(isset($GLOBALS['TotalResult'])) { $this->TotalResult = $GLOBALS['TotalResult']; $this->TotalResult = is_numeric($this->TotalResult)? $this->TotalResult : ""; } if(isset($GLOBALS['PageNo'])) { $this->PageNo = intval($GLOBALS['PageNo']); } else { $this->PageNo = 1; } $ksql = $this->GetKeywordSql(); $ksqls = array(); if($this->StartTime > 0) { $ksqls[] = " arc.senddate>'".$this->StartTime."' "; } if($this->TypeID > 0) { $ksqls[] = " typeid in (".GetSonIds($this->TypeID).") "; } if($this->ChannelType > 0) { $ksqls[] = " arc.channel='".$this->ChannelType."'"; } if($this->mid > 0) { $ksqls[] = " arc.mid = '".$this->mid."'"; } $ksqls[] = " arc.arcrank > -1 "; // $this->AddSql = ($ksql=='' ? join(' AND ',$ksqls) : join(' AND ',$ksqls)." AND ($ksql)" ); if($this->ChannelType < 0 || $this->ChannelTypeid< 0){ if($this->ChannelType=="0") $id=$this->ChannelTypeid; else $id=$this->ChannelType; $row = $this->dsql->GetOne("SELECT addtable FROM `#@__channeltype` WHERE id=$id"); $addtable = trim($row['addtable']); $this->AddTable=$addtable; }else{ $this->AddTable="#@__archives"; } // $cquery = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->AddTable}` arc WHERE ".$this->AddSql; $cquery = "Select * From `{$this->AddTable}` arc where ".$ksql; //var_dump($cquery); // $hascode = md5($cquery); // $row = $this->dsql->GetOne("Select * From `#@__arccache` where `md5hash`='".$hascode."' "); // $uptime = time(); // if(is_array($row) && time()-$row['uptime'] < 3600 * 24) // { // $aids = explode(',', $row['cachedata']); // $this->TotalResult = count($aids)-1; // $this->RsFields = $row['cachedata']; // } // else // { // if($this->TotalResult==-1) // { $this->dsql->SetQuery($cquery); $this->dsql->execute(); $aidarr = array(); $aidarr[] = 0; while($row = $this->dsql->getarray()) { if($this->ChannelType< 0 ||$this->ChannelTypeid< 0) $aidarr[] = $row['aid']; else $aidarr[] = $row['id']; } $nums = count($aidarr)-1; // $aids = implode(',', $aidarr); // $delete = "Delete From `#@__arccache` where uptime<".(time() - 3600 * 24); // $this->dsql->SetQuery($delete); // $this->dsql->executenonequery(); // $insert = "insert into `#@__arccache` (`md5hash`, `uptime`, `cachedata`) // values('$hascode', '$uptime', '$aids')"; // $this->dsql->SetQuery($insert); // $this->dsql->executenonequery(); $this->TotalResult = $nums; // } // } } /** * 显示列表 * * @access public * @param string * @return string */ function Display() { foreach($this->dtp->CTags as $tagid=>$ctag) { $tagname = $ctag->GetName(); if($tagname=="list") { $limitstart = ($this->PageNo-1) * $this->PageSize; $row = $this->PageSize; if(trim($ctag->GetInnerText())=="") { $InnerText = GetSysTemplets("list_fulllist.htm"); } else { $InnerText = trim($ctag->GetInnerText()); } $this->dtp->Assign($tagid, $this->GetArcList($limitstart, $row, $ctag->GetAtt("col"), $ctag->GetAtt("titlelen"), $ctag->GetAtt("infolen"), $ctag->GetAtt("imgwidth"), $ctag->GetAtt("imgheight"), $this->ChannelType, $this->OrderBy, $InnerText, $ctag->GetAtt("tablewidth")) ); } else if($tagname=="pagelist") { $list_len = trim($ctag->GetAtt("listsize")); if($list_len=="") { $list_len = 3; } $this->dtp->Assign($tagid,$this->GetPageListDM($list_len)); } else if($tagname=="likewords") { $this->dtp->Assign($tagid,$this->GetLikeWords($ctag->GetAtt('num'))); } else if($tagname=="hotwords") { $this->dtp->Assign($tagid,lib_hotwords($ctag,$this)); } else if($tagname=="field") { //类别的指定字段 if(isset($this->Fields[$ctag->GetAtt('name')])) { $this->dtp->Assign($tagid,$this->Fields[$ctag->GetAtt('name')]); } else { $this->dtp->Assign($tagid,""); } } else if($tagname=="channel") { //下级频道列表 if($this->TypeID>0) { $typeid = $this->TypeID; $reid = $this->TypeLink->TypeInfos['reid']; } else { $typeid = 0; $reid=0; } $GLOBALS['envs']['typeid'] = $typeid; $GLOBALS['envs']['reid'] = $typeid; $this->dtp->Assign($tagid,lib_channel($ctag,$this)); }//End if } global $keyword, $oldkeyword; if(!empty($oldkeyword)) $keyword = $oldkeyword; $this->dtp->Display(); } /** * 获得文档列表 * * @access public * @param int $limitstart 限制开始 * @param int $row 行数 * @param int $col 列数 * @param int $titlelen 标题长度 * @param int $infolen 描述长度 * @param int $imgwidth 图片宽度 * @param int $imgheight 图片高度 * @param string $achanneltype 列表类型 * @param string $orderby 排列顺序 * @param string $innertext 底层模板 * @param string $tablewidth 表格宽度 * @return string */ function GetArcList($limitstart=0,$row=10,$col=1,$titlelen=30,$infolen=250, $imgwidth=120,$imgheight=90,$achanneltype="all",$orderby="default",$innertext="",$tablewidth="100") { global $cfg_sphinx_article; $typeid=$this->TypeID; if($row=='') $row = 10; if($limitstart=='') $limitstart = 0; if($titlelen=='') $titlelen = 30; if($infolen=='') $infolen = 250; if($imgwidth=='') $imgwidth = 120; if($imgheight='') $imgheight = 120; if($achanneltype=='') $achanneltype = '0'; $orderby = $orderby=='' ? 'default' : strtolower($orderby); $tablewidth = str_replace("%","",$tablewidth); if($tablewidth=='') $tablewidth=100; if($col=='') $col=1; $colWidth = ceil(100/$col); $tablewidth = $tablewidth."%"; $colWidth = $colWidth."%"; $innertext = trim($innertext); if($innertext=='') { $innertext = GetSysTemplets("search_list.htm"); } if ($cfg_sphinx_article == 'Y') { $ordersql = ''; if($this->ChannelType< 0 ||$this->ChannelTypeid< 0) { if($orderby=="id"){ $ordersql="@id desc"; }else{ $ordersql="@senddate desc"; } } else { if($orderby=="senddate") { $ordersql="@senddate desc"; } else if($orderby=="pubdate") { $ordersql="@pubdate desc"; } else if($orderby=="id") { $ordersql="@id desc"; } else { $ordersql="@sortrank desc"; } } $this->sphinx->SetLimits($limitstart, (int)$row, ($row>1000) ? $row : 1000); $res = array(); $res = AutoCharset($this->sphinx->Query($this->Keywords, 'mysql, delta'), 'utf-8', 'gbk'); foreach ($res['words'] as $k => $v) { $this->Keywords .= " $k"; } foreach($res['matches'] as $_v) { $aids[] = $_v['id']; } $aids = @implode(',', $aids); //搜索 $query = "SELECT arc.*,act.typedir,act.typename,act.isdefault,act.defaultname,act.namerule, act.namerule2,act.ispart,act.moresite,act.siteurl,act.sitepath FROM `#@__archives` arc LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` act ON arc.typeid=act.id WHERE arc.id IN ($aids)"; } else { //排序方式 $ordersql = ''; if($this->ChannelType< 0 ||$this->ChannelTypeid< 0) { if($orderby=="id"){ $ordersql="ORDER BY arc.aid desc"; }else{ $ordersql="ORDER BY arc.senddate desc"; } } else { if($orderby=="senddate") { $ordersql=" order by arc.senddate desc"; } else if($orderby=="pubdate") { $ordersql=" order by arc.pubdate desc"; } else if($orderby=="id") { $ordersql=" order by arc.id desc"; } else { $ordersql=" order by arc.sortrank desc"; } } //搜索 $query = "SELECT arc.*,act.typedir,act.typename,act.isdefault,act.defaultname,act.namerule, act.namerule2,act.ispart,act.moresite,act.siteurl,act.sitepath FROM `{$this->AddTable}` arc LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` act ON arc.typeid=act.id WHERE {$this->AddSql} $ordersql LIMIT $limitstart,$row"; } $this->dsql->SetQuery($query); $this->dsql->Execute("al"); $artlist = ""; if($col>1) { $artlist = "
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