_tableName . " WHERE article_id IN (" . S::sqlImplode ( $ids ) . ") "; return $this->_db->update ( $_sql ); } /** * 移动文章到某一个频道 * @param array $ids * @param int $cid */ function moveArticlesToColumn($ids, $cid) { $_sql = "UPDATE " . $this->_tableName . " SET column_id = " . S::sqlEscape ( $cid ) . " WHERE article_id IN (" . S::sqlImplode ( $ids ) . ")"; return $this->_db->update ( $_sql ); } /** * 删除回收站内的所有文章 */ function cleanArticleRecycle() { $_sql = "DELETE FROM " . $this->_tableName . " WHERE ifcheck = '2' "; return $this->_db->update ( $_sql ); } /** * 根据文章ID获取文章列表 * @param array $ids */ function getArticlesByIds($ids) { $_sql = "SELECT a.*,e.hits FROM " . $this->_tableName . " a LEFT JOIN " . $this->_extendTableName . " e ON a.article_id=e.article_id WHERE a.article_id IN (" . S::sqlImplode ( $ids ) . ") AND a.ifcheck != 2"; return $this->_getAllResultFromQuery ( $this->_db->query ( $_sql ) ); } /** * 根据文章ID获取热门文章列表 * @param array $ids */ function getHotArticlesByIds($ids) { $_sql = "SELECT a.*,e.hits FROM " . $this->_tableName . " a LEFT JOIN " . $this->_extendTableName . " e ON a.article_id=e.article_id WHERE a.article_id IN (" . S::sqlImplode ( $ids ) . ") AND a.ifcheck != 2 ORDER BY e.hits DESC"; return $this->_getAllResultFromQuery ( $this->_db->query ( $_sql ) ); } /** * 根据条件搜索文章 * @param int $cid 栏目ID * @param string $title 标题 * @param string $author 作者 * @param int $type 是否通过验证 * array('0','1','2') * '0' 未经过审核 * '1' 经过审核 * '2' 回收站 */ function search($cid, $title, $author, $type, $user, $postdate = '', $start = 0, $perpage = 20) { $_where = ''; if ($cid) $_where .= ' AND column_id IN (' . S::sqlImplode ( $cid ) . ")"; if ($title) $_where .= ' AND subject LIKE ' . S::sqlEscape ( '%' . $title . '%' ); if ($author) $_where .= ' AND author LIKE ' . S::sqlEscape ( '%' . $author . '%' ); if ($user) $_where .= ' AND username LIKE ' . S::sqlEscape ( '%' . $user . '%' ); if ($postdate) $_where .= ' AND postdate <= ' . S::sqlEscape ( $postdate ); if (isset ( $type ) && in_array ( $type, array ('0', '1', '2' ) )) $_where .= ' AND ifcheck = ' . S::sqlEscape ( $type ); $order = " ORDER BY modifydate DESC, postdate DESC "; $_sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $this->_tableName . " WHERE article_id " . $_where . " " . $order . " LIMIT " . $start . "," . $perpage; $query = $this->_db->query ( $_sql ); return $this->_getAllResultFromQuery ( $query ); } /* function searchCount($cid, $title, $author, $type, $user, $postdate) { $_where = ''; if ($cid) $_where .= ' AND column_id IN (' . S::sqlImplode ( $cid ) . ")"; if ($title) $_where .= ' AND subject LIKE ' . S::sqlEscape ( '%' . $title . '%' ); if ($author) $_where .= ' AND author = ' . S::sqlEscape ( $author ); if ($user) $_where .= ' AND username LIKE ' . S::sqlEscape ( '%' . $user . '%' ); if ($postdate) $_where .= ' AND postdate <= ' . S::sqlEscape ( $postdate ); if (isset ( $type ) && in_array ( $type, array ('0', '1', '2' ) )) $_where .= ' AND ifcheck = ' . S::sqlEscape ( $type ); $_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $this->_tableName . " WHERE article_id " . $_where; return $this->_db->get_value ( $_sql ); } */ function searchCount($cid, $title) { $_where = ''; if ($cid) // $_where .= ' AND column_id IN (' . S::sqlImplode ( $cid ) . ')'; $_where .= ' AND column_id IN (' . ( $cid ) . ')'; if ($title) $_where .= ' AND subject = ' . S::sqlEscape ( $title ); $_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $this->_tableName . " WHERE article_id " . $_where; return $this->_db->get_value ( $_sql ); } function deleteArticleIntoRecycle($aids) { $_sql = "UPDATE " . $this->_tableName . " SET ifcheck = '2' WHERE article_id IN (" . S::sqlImplode ( $aids ) . ")"; return $this->_db->update ( $_sql ); } function revertArticleFromRecycle($aids) { $_sql = "UPDATE " . $this->_tableName . " SET ifcheck = '1' WHERE article_id IN (" . S::sqlImplode ( $aids ) . ") "; return $this->_db->update ( $_sql ); } function updateArticleHits($aid, $count = 1) { $_sql = "UPDATE " . $this->_extendTableName . " SET hits = hits + " . S::sqlEscape ( $count, false ) . " WHERE article_id = " . S::sqlEscape ( $aid ); return $this->_db->update ( $_sql ); } function insert($fieldData) { $fieldData = $this->_checkAllowField ( $fieldData, $this->getStruct () ); return $this->_insert ( $fieldData ); } function update($fieldData, $id) { $fieldData = $this->_checkAllowField ( $fieldData, $this->getStruct () ); return $this->_update ( $fieldData, $id ); } function delete($id) { return $this->_delete ( $id ); } function get($id) { $temp = $this->_get ( $id ); return $temp; } function count() { return $this->_count (); } function getStruct() { return array ('article_id', 'subject', 'descrip', 'author', 'username', 'userid', 'jumpurl', 'frominfo', 'fromurl', 'column_id', 'ifcheck', 'postdate', 'modifydate', 'ifattach', 'sourcetype', 'sourceid' ); } /** * 注意只提供搜索服务 * @param $sql * @return unknown_type */ function countSearch($sql) { $result = $this->_db->get_one ( $sql ); return ($result) ? $result ['total'] : 0; } /** * 注意只提供搜索服务 * @param $sql * @return unknown_type */ function getSearch($sql) { $query = $this->_db->query ( $sql ); return $this->_getAllResultFromQuery ( $query ); } } S::gp(array('cid','cms_subject')); if (!$cms_subject){ echo('[err]缺少标题[/err]'); exit; } $cms=new PW_ArticleDB(); $count=$cms->searchCount($cid,$cms_subject); if ($count>0){ echo('[yes]'); }else{ echo('[no]'); } ?>