<% '===================================================================== '安全校验码 dim vercode vercode="" '此处取值请自行修改,必须与发布规则的检查网址中vercode参数一致 if vercode<>trim(request("vercode")) then response.Write("[err]vercode错误[/err]") response.End() end if '===================================================================== sub echomsg(str) response.Write("[err]"&str&"[/err]") response.End() End sub dim ContentID, LanguageID, SortID, GroupID, Exclusive, Title, Title2, TitleColor, IsOutLink, OutLink, Author, ContentSource, ContentTag, Content, ContentStatus, IsTop, IsRecommend, IsImageNews, IsHeadline, IsFeatured, ContentOrder, IsGenerated, Visits, AddTime, ImagePath, IndexImage, DownURL, PageTitle, PageKeywords, PageDesc, PageFileName, spec, EditTime,DownGroupID,IsNoComment,Star,Timeing,TimeStatus,VideoGroupID,CHvalue,SpecCategory 'SpecCategory用于判断是哪个类型的自定义参数 dim sortType, keyword, page, psize, order, ordsc, sortTypeName sortType=getForm("sortType","post") sortid=getForm("sortid","post") keyword=getForm("title","post") if isnul(keyword) then echomsg "缺少标题" if (not isNul(sortType)) and (not isnum(sortType)) then sortType="2" select case sortType case "2" sortTypeName ="文章" SpecCategory = "C" case "3" sortTypeName ="产品" SpecCategory = "P" case "4" sortTypeName ="下载" SpecCategory = "DL" case "5" sortTypeName ="招聘" SpecCategory = "HR" case "6" sortTypeName ="相册" SpecCategory = "FO" case "8" sortTypeName = "视频" SpecCategory = "VI" end select '单篇1,文章2,产品3,下载4,招聘5,相册6,链接7,视频8 Sub searchContent dim i,orderStr,whereStr,sqlStr,rsObj,allPage,allRecordset,numPerPage if isNul(page) then page=1 else page=clng(page) whereStr=" where Title = '"&keyword&"'" if not isNul(sortid) and sortid<>"0" then whereStr=whereStr&" and a.SortID in("&getSubSort(sortID, 1)&")" if not isNul(sortType) then whereStr = whereStr&" and b.SortType="&sortType sqlStr = "select ContentID from {prefix}Content as a, {prefix}Sort as b"&whereStr&" and a.SortID=b.SortID and ContentStatus<>2 " set rsObj = conn.Exec(sqlStr,"r1") allRecordset = rsObj.recordcount if allRecordset=0 then response.Write("[no]") else response.Write("[yes]") end if rsObj.close : set rsObj = nothing End Sub searchContent %>